Instruction for getting Access

To get access to the API documentation, you need to be unlocked. Please contact your GRIMME representative with your full name and email address and the reason for accessing the API. With this information, the GRIMME IT department will review your request and grant you access via an API account. You will receive an invitation email for this.

All GRIMME employees can log in via their GRIMME account. For this you have to register once for the GRIMME-API. After registration you will receive an invitation email.

Sign In with an API-Account (email and password):

  • Reception of invitation: You will receive an invitation by e-mail. Click on the link. This will take you to the GRIMME API documentation where you can enter a password. The password must be 12 characters long with letters in upper and lower case and at least one special character. Special characters are . , : ; ! ? - _

  • Sign In the GRIMME API Documentation with your email and your generated password.

Sign In as GRIMME Employee

  • Reception of invitation: You will then receive a confirmation email. You will be able to sign in once you have received the email.

  • Navigate to the sign in page and click the azure active directory button. A new window will open and you will need to sign in with your GRIMME account credentials. Once you have logged in, you will be redirected to the home page.